Harrisham Sonnet

Harrisham Sonnet

Harrisham Sonnet is a sonnet form created by: Harrisham Minhas.

Harrisham Sonnet is written in 3 stanzas consisting of 2 sestets and a couplet.For each of the stanzas, the last letter of the first word of each line is the first letter of the first word of the next line.
There is no restriction on the starting letter of the first line in each of the stanzas.
There is no restriction on the syllable count in this form, but it is required that the poem should have a good rhythm to it.
Rhyming scheme:

First stanza : ababab
Second stanza: cdcdcd
Third stanza: ee


Optimistic Avenues

(Harrisham Sonnet)

Whenever life’s colorful mosaics appear to fade,
reach for hopeful dyes and create the desired hues.
Halt the path of scary vultures who try to invade,
tell your will’s giant scarecrows to bid them adieu.
Life presents mirth in various masquerades,
eradicate dulling thoughts, for smiles you pursue.

They’re grounded by gravity, still trees propel higher,
emerging through bitter and pleasing climes,
growing in abundance is what many beings desire,
garnering self-belief helps to successfully climb.
God always listens, humbly his blessings you acquire.
Do what is right, don’t lose your morals over the time.

Let the carpet embody all negative shards outside the door,
terminate all sorrows, don’t summon sadness anymore.

Copyright © Harrisham Minhas. All Rights Reserved.

Harrisham Rhyme

Harrisham Rhyme

Harrisham Rhyme is a poetry form created by Indian poetess ~ Harrisham Minhas.
This form consists of a six-line rhyming stanza.
In this form, the last letter of the first word of each line is the first letter of the first word of next line.
There is no restriction on the starting letter of the first line.

Rhyming scheme : ababab.


Oceanic Tranquility
(Harrisham Rhyme)

Dancing boisterously, the frills of ocean flare,
graced with colorful  tassels of foam and shells,
delicate melodies levitate in moistened air,
enveloping environs in nostalgic smells,
glares of the nourishing sun warmly care,
serene thoughts stroll over the water swells.

Copyright © Harrisham Minhas. All Rights Reserved.